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Lynn Gonzalez

Lynn leads budget, operations, and strategic planning for the Office of the SVP managing division budgets (Financial Affairs, Human Resources, Office of the SVP, and UCF Public Safety), communications, strategic planning, and training. She also provides direction, leadership, and/or oversight for division and university strategic initiatives/projects as needed based on 20 years prior executive experience reporting directly to three former UCF provosts. This included 4 years as director, 4 years as assistant vice president, and 8 years as associate vice president managing academic budget analysis and planning, academic personnel administration and planning, and administrative space allocation and maintenance.

Most recently, Lynn worked to bridge UCF’s academic and administrative enterprises as director of budget initiatives for UCF’s Financial Affairs office. In that capacity, she served on university committees to select and implement two new budget allocation models; authored, designed and managed the content for the budget model redesign website; and developed a series of web courses to educate our campus community about the State and university’s budget allocation and financial processes, governance structure, and policies/procedures, including the anticipated timeline, benefits and impact of the new budget model. She also managed Financial Affairs’ business operations and communications, and served as their human resources advisor.

Lynn is a proud graduate of UCF with an M.B.A, and a B.S.B.A with a specialization in Management Information Systems and a minor in Computer Science.